Skin care in winter – particularly in Vienna – is very important as low temperature and heated rooms increase the risk of dry skin. Many expats from numerous countries suffer from eczema, severe attack of atopic dermatitis or other skin diseases after experiencing winter in Vienna, as the climate is different compared to their homelands. Especially hands, feet and the shins are affected and require attention. Therefore, skin care products used in warmer seasons might not be suitable in winter. Rich ointments containing sufficient amount of oil (“water in oil” emulsions) are required for sensitive skin.
Dr. Okamoto informs about skin care in winter
As an expert on dermatology, Prof. Dr. Okamoto informs you at about proper skin care in winter:
Contents of proper skin care in winter in brief:
- adequate skin care products in winter
- special care for hands and feet
- skin care in the tub
- protect your skin against UV even if it is cold
- skin of children in winter
Contact Prof. Dr. Okamoto
For appointments, please contact us by phone +43 1 40114/5701, 5702 or 5703, or via E-Mail at or contact form.