sun protection

New publication shows: sun block works also after diagnosis of skin cancer

UV radiation is known to damage DNA and cause skin cancer. Only recently, Prof. Okamoto's team at the Medical University of Vienna has reported that sun protection might also protect from disease progression and not only from initiating cancer. Patients who reported to improve sun protection after the diagnosis of melanoma had a better

Prof. Okamoto informs about the proper sun protection

Sun exposure as important they are for wellbeing and vitamin D production, careless behavior is harmful to ones health. Prof. Okamoto informs about the proper sun protection Dr. Okamoto describes as an expert of, the online information platform of the Ministry of health about the proper way to protect oneself against harmful sun exposure.

05.07.2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

New article by Dr. Okamoto about sun protection and skin cancer prevention in JATROS

Dr. Okamoto informs in JATROS, a journal for practicing physicians about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. Melanoma is still increasing and belongs to the most dangerous types of skin cancer. New article about sun protection and skin cancer prevention by Dr. Okamoto In this article (in German), dermatologist Dr. Okamoto explains how melanoma develops and how

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto in Vienna informs about sun protection at

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto is netdoktor expert and informs online about skin diseaes. (in German) is an online platform on health and informs about diseases, symptoms and their treatment. Dr. Okamoto informs about sun protection at Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto provides information as a medical expert for dermatology at on sun protection (in German) Which skin types exist? How do sun protection products work?

07.05.2015|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Dr. Okamoto informs about sun protection for children at

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto is health netdoktor expert and informs online about skin diseaes. (in German) is an online platform on health and informs about diseases, symptoms and their treatment. Here, medical information is provided for the general public. Dr. Okamoto informs about sun protection for children at Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto gives information as a medical expert for

07.05.2015|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto in Vienna informs about sunscreen at

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto is health netdoktor expert and informs online about sun screen. (in German) is an online platform on health and informs about diseases, symptoms and their treatment. Here, medical information is provided for the general public. Dr. Okamoto informs about sun creams at Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto gives information as a medical expert for dermatology at about sun

Dr. Okamoto informs about sun protection in the Sunday edition of ÖSTERREICH

Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto informs about proper sun protection in the Sunday edition of ÖSTERREICH (print media), received by more than 860.000 readers. Especially now after the long winter, the skin is not used to intense sun exposure and is sensible to the UV irradiation. Dr. Okamoto informs about sun protection in the Sunday edition of ÖSTERREICH Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto answered

24.03.2015|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

Skin care in summer

Skin care requires to be adjusted to seasonal changes. Conditions in summer, are different to those in the colder seasons. Skincare in summer: Dr. Okamoto's interview now on As an expert on dermatology, Dr. Okamoto informs about skincare in summer in „Hautpflege im Sommer“, published online at In the Article you can find the

17.04.2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

Sun protection: What you need to know about sun protection

Appropriate sun protection prevents from sundamage and skin cancer.  Despite the importance of sun protection or appropriate sun exposure, and the general awareness about skin cancer risk, there are still some ambiguity in real life. Dr. Okamoto's interview now in Dr. Okamoto, dermatologist in Vienna (Austria), answers questions on sun protection as a dermatologist in the following

17.04.2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |