
New publication shows: sun block works also after diagnosis of skin cancer

UV radiation is known to damage DNA and cause skin cancer. Only recently, Prof. Okamoto's team at the Medical University of Vienna has reported that sun protection might also protect from disease progression and not only from initiating cancer. Patients who reported to improve sun protection after the diagnosis of melanoma had a better

No adverse event in psychiatric disorders under isotretinoin

That's reassuring: a recent and large study has revealed that no more psychiatric disorders in a group of more than 30000 patients treated with isotretinoin for acne than in the group that was not treated. This should be considered particularly as affected patients are mostly young at the age of development. To read here: Information about

We can do it!

Since the beginning of our restrictions (curfew) in Austria, 10 days have passed. Life has changed and very much was new and unfamiliar, and for almost all of us, this period seems not to end. On Friday (March 27th, 2020), the Austrian government did not announce a tightening of the existing rules! Please follow the

We are here for you!

Despite some contradictory information regarding rejected patients by doctors' offices, we continue to be here for you! The risk of a covid 19 infection cannot be excluded anywhere, however, the risk of infection in private offices is very low considering the low frequency of patients. Moreover, to ensure your safety, temperature is measured and travel

Dermatologist Dr. Okamoto: Office still in operation

Office still in operation Due to the current situation, we would like to inform you that the office is still in operation. In case of a break, you will be informed on this homepage. Should you think you might be infected by the Covid 19 virus, please call 1450 and do not leave your home!

Digital dermatoscopy and full-body scan (total body scan) for early detection of melanomas

European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline for melanoma recommends sequential dermatoscopy and full-body photography (total body scan) A recent publication in the scientific journal European Journal of Cancer confirms the role of sequential digital dermatoscopy and full-body scan (total body scan) for early detection of melanomas in high risk individuals. The device is 1,5m apart from the patient and

Informations about Water Warts (Molluscum contagiosum)

Today, another article about water warts (molluscum contagiosum) was published. The article can be found here: What are water warts? Water warts (molluscum contagiosum) are round, small nodules with a central dimple. They are self limited in principle, however, water warts (molluscum contagiosum) are infectious and can spread on the skin of the affected

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum are small, up to a few millimeters of size, skin colored warts with a central dimple and may occur singularly of in groups affecting a single body site up to wide spread on the entire body. These warts are caused by a virus called poxvirus and can release hundreds of thousands of virus particles

Bodyscan for Mole checks by Dr. Okamoto in Vienna

Skin cancer still remains one of the most frequent types of cancer with increasing number of new cases world wide. As for other cancer types, it is curable when diagnosed early. Therefore, early recognition is crucial. Using total body scan, each square centimeter of the entire skin can be recorded for a precise follow up

Study on multiple melanomas released

The study group led by Prof. Okamoto in Vienna published only recently another paper in the Journal of American Medical Association Dermatology describing risk factors of further melanomas after the diagnosis of melanoma. Melanoma is a potentially life threatening disease with increasing numbers of affected patients world wide. Though risk factors of melanoma in general have been

21.02.2019|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |