Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin with a typical appearance and distribution. The individual spots are characterized by round or ovally shaped, red plaques covered with silvery scales.

Treatment of Psoriasis in Vienna

Treatment of Psoriasis in Vienna

Mechanically exposed areas are commonly affected such as the elbows and knees. Also, the head and nails can be affected. Occasionally, psoriasis can lead to swollen and painful joints (psoriasis arthritis). The lesions on the skin can itch, and limit quality of life seriously as the alterations are visible and subjectively discomforting. Self-esteem can be seriously damaged, sometimes leading even to depression.

Only recently, new therapeutic options have arisen with promising efficacy. Mild affection of the skin can be treated with topical therapy, however, psoriasis remains a chronic disease requiring long term care.

Contact Prof. Dr. Okamoto

For appointments, please contact us by phone +43 1 40114/5701, 5702 or 5703, or via E-Mail or contact form.

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