Univ. Prof. Dr. Okamoto is a Netdoktor Expert und informs online about skin diseases. The online portal netdoktor.at informs about diseases, health issues, therapy and diverse treatment options. Here, you will find medical and health related information.

Dr. Okamoto informs about urticaria at Netdoktor.at

Dr. Okamoto showed light on urticaria as a medical expert in dermatology at netdoktor.at.

  • How does urticaria arise, and what are the symptoms?
  • What causes urticaria?
  • How is it diagnoses?
  • What measures or treatments are helpful?
  • How is the prognosis?

Contact Prof. Dr. Okamoto

For appointments, please contact us by phone +43 1 40114/5701, 5702 or 5703, or via E-Mail at ordination@hautarztokamoto.at or contact form.

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