
Invitation of Prof. Dr. Okamoto at the Billrothhaus

Prof. Dr. Okamoto was invited to give a talk about his research as one of the „Top news of the medical research“ in the House of Physicians (Haus der Ärzte, Bilrothhaus). On Tuesday, December 18th at 7pm, Prof. Dr. Okamoto will present recent findings in melanoma research. This Event is open to the public und

Research group lead by Prof. Okamoto finds diverse effects of MC1R variants as riskfactors of melanoma between women and men

MC1R variants are established risk factors of melanoma. These genetic variants lead to the production of the less protective pheomelanin in melanocytes of the skin, thereby leading to rather fair skin and often to red hair. Now, Prof. Okamoto and his team find out that risk is different between females and males. MC1R variants increase

Skin care in winter

Which care does our skin need in winter? How can we protect and care our skin effective in the cold months? Prof. Okamoto was answering questions for the health magazine "MEDIZIN populär" regarding skin care in winter: Further information can be found here. "MEDIZIN populär" is a health magazin in Austria, published from the Verlagshaus der Ärzte

05.12.2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

The Irish Skin Foundation comments on Dr. Okamoto’s research and urges people to know their skin type

As reported previously in our News "Fair skin does not need sun to raise melanoma risk", Dr. Okamoto’s team has described genetic variants that are responsible for light skin complexion and therefore burn easily after sun exposure, rises risk of melanoma independently of sun exposure. The Irish Skin Foundation comments to this scientific work and

14.09.2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |